Services are available to most residents in Bristol VA, Bristol TN, Blountville, Bluff City, and some parts of Piney Flats (who are served by BTES). Zip codes in Virginia include: 24201. 24202, and 24203. Zip codes in TN include: 37617, 37618, 37620, 37621, and portions of 37686.
Utilities & Rent
Food, diapers, & personal hygiene items
Debt/budget counseling
Referrals for drug or alcohol abuse
Referrals for education placement
Referrals for job placement
Referrals for violence/abusive situations

Call for discussion about your need, leave a voicemail with name and phone number and what you need if we cannot answer.
You will be called for an intake done by a volunteer that will go over your specific needs, household income, and documents you will need to email within a three day deadline. No exceptions to the deadline!!
If you call on the weekend, it will be Tuesday before you are called back. Your documents will be due by that Friday—that is about a week. If everything checks out—it will be the following week before you get an appointment. If you send your documents sooner—you are helped sooner.
Do not wait until the last minute to ask for help. No agency can work quickly to help those in need.
All documents have to be emailed to: documents@bristolfia.org. No screenshots are accepted of banking or financial information. It has to be statement format for any type of account, money card, debit card, Direct Express, pay card, TANF, etc.
Places to go to email:
Summit (Grace Bible Church)
1227 Volunteer Pkwy.
Bristol, TN 37620
Bristol Public Library
701 Goode Street
Bristol, VA 24201
Rental assistance appointments will only be made after the landlord emails the executive director at programs@bristolfia.org
Email must include how much the client owes the landlord, with the client’s name
and phone number. Upon receipt of this email, the executive director will give
the information to the appointment setter, then an appointment will be made.
Clients with more than one month past due will not receive rental assistance.
No appointments will be made for people who owe more than $500 in rent or
utility bills.
Clients for all appointments will be asked to bring bank statements or access to
electronic banking card statements.
Mortgage assistance is no longer available.
We do not pay full rent owed. At most, we can reasonably pay $100 - $150. The tenant/client is responsible for the remainder of their amount owed to you.
Please be advised that all Landlords are now required to email receipt of our client’s, your tenant’s portion that our voucher requires them to pay. Payment from Bristol Faith in Action will NOT be made without proof of client’s amount paid and the date. Email this information to: programs@bristolfia.org this goes straight to the director.
When you accept our voucher, you are agreeing to allow the client/tenant to stay for at least 30 days as long as they pay their portion by the expiration date.
There are NO exceptions to the expiration date for any reason.
We retain the right to exclude any payee/landlord for improper documentation, false records, or for being disingenuous in any way.
NO CALLS regarding client payment will be noted or accepted for any reason. Email provides an appropriate paper trail which is good for both the landlord/tenant, and BFIA.
If you have questions or concerns, please call 276-466-8292 and ask for a meeting with the director. You may also leave a message requesting a phone call although calls will not be returned until after 2 PM.
Blessings, love, and peace,
DeVonne Phipps
Executive Director